Pilot vs. Slite:
Why Companies Choose Pilot

Looking for a Slite replacement? With Pilot, you can rely on your existing knowledge in Google Drive and your other favourite apps. No need to migrate or recreate content.
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Here’s what Pilot does compared to Slite

As an alternative to Slite, Pilot stands out with features like light-speed fast universal search and playlists for organized knowledge curation

2 ½ minutes setup time
Keep your current workflow with 1300+ integrations
Create Playlists of curated resources
Gamify learning with AI quizzes and badges
Ask AI for internal knowledge
Light-speed fast universal search directly on Slack
One button permissioning
Minimal learning curve to encourage team adoption
Docs, notes, and templates
Real time editor collaboration
Custom domain usage
Communty support
14-day free trial

Universal Search (on Slack!)

Effortlessly search across your entire knowledge base, spanning different apps and databases to retrieve the information you need, whenever you need it.

Connect 1300+ apps

Whether it's a wireframe design or an HR policy document, as long as the apps are connected, we will help you find it.

Deep integration with Slack

Effortlessly query your knowledge base right from Slack with conversational or traditional search.

Search bar in Pilot querying taking time off. Pilot AI provides document suggestions for the user to refer to.
Collection of popular app logo icons with a search symbol in the centre of it all.

Pilot AI

Experience the power of our intuitive AI-powered search, powered by Chat-GPT. Whether you're looking for specific code snippets or that one obscure documentation, your AI Assistant is here to help.

Streamline workflows

Access vital information without leaving your Slack workspace.

Get instant answers

No need to interrupt your busy colleagues. Ping Pilot AI instead!

Let Pilot help you create a culture of knowledge sharing in just 2 minutes.